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Refereed Articles


Portugali, Juval

Schrödinger’s What is Life?—Complexity, Cognition and the City. Entropy 2023, 25, 872.


Portugali Juval

The crisis of democracy in the age of cities and complexity. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing. UK. 2023, 2-23


Portugali Juval and Haken Hermann

A synergetic cities view on the crisis of democracy in the age of cities. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 108-135


Catlett Charlie, Portugali Juval and Venkatakrishnan Venkat

Privacy and trust in artificially intelligent cities. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 167-184


Mahalingam Ashwin and Portugali Juval

Governing cities democratically through partnerships. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 204-219


Full list


A. Ben Tor, J. Portugali and Avisar M.

Tel Yoqne'am: a preliminary report. Israel Exploration  Journal, 29, 2, 1979.


A. Ben Tor, J. Portugali and Avisar M.

Tel Qashish: a preliminary report. Israel Exploration Journal, 31, 3-4, 1981.


Juval Portugali

A field methodology for regional archaeology: The West Jezreel Valley survey 1981. Tel Aviv, 31, 2, 1982, 170 - 190. 


A. Ben Tor, J. portugali and Avisar M.

The third and fourth seasons of excavations at Tel Yoqne'am 1979 - 1981: a preliminary report. Israel Exploration Journal, 33, 1983, 30 - 54.


Juval Portugali

Arim, Banot Migrashim Vehazerim: the spatial organization of Israel at the the 10-12 centuries B.C., Eretz Israel 17, 1984, 282-290 (Hebrew).


Juval Portugali

On relevance in geography: Thunen's Isolated State in Relation to Agriculture and Political Economy. Geoforum, 15, 2, 1984,  201-207


Juval portugali

Location theory in geography and archaeology. Geography Research Forum, 7, 1984, 43-60.


Juval Portugali

Between nature and society: an introduction. Geoforum 16, 2, 1985, 93 - 98.


Juval Portugali

Parallel currents in the natural and social sciences.  Geoforum, 16, 2, 1985, 227- 238.


J. Portugali and Knapp B.Cyprus and the Aegeans: a spatial analysis of interaction. In Production and Exchange in Early Aegean and East Mediterranean  Prehistory, eds., Knapp B. and Spech, U.C.L.A. Institute of  Archaeology, 1985.


Juval Portugali

Intra-regional town country antagonism in Israel. Habitat International, Vol. 9, 3/4, 1986, 209-223.


Juval Portugali

The settlement system of West Jezreel Valley from the 6 Century B.C. to the Arab Conquest, in Men and Land in Ancient Eretz Israel, Eds. A. Kasher and U. Rapaport, Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem 1986 (Hebrew).


Juval Portugali

Arab labour in Tel Aviv: a preliminary study, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol 10, 3, 1986,   351-376


Juval Portugali

The urban employment field for the Arab workers of Tel Aviv, Horizons in Geography 17-18, 1986, 25-48 (Hebrew).


Newman D., Portugali J.

Israeli Palestinian relations as reflected in the scientific literature. Progress in Human Geography, 11, 3, 1987, 315 - 332. 


Gophna R., Portugali J.

Settlement and demographic processes in Israel's coastal plain from the Chalcolithic to Middle Bronze age. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 269, 1987, 11-28.


Juval Portugali

Nationalism, Social Theory and the Israeli Palestinian Case.  In Geographical Perspectives on Nationalism, Eds. R.J. Johnston, D.   Knight and E. Kofman, Croom Helm, Kent, 1987.


Juval Portugali

Theories of population and settlement and their importance to the demographic research in Israel. In Settlement, Population and Economy in Ancient Eretz Israel, eds. S. Bonimovich, M. Kochavi and A. Kasher, Tel Aviv, 1988 (Hebrew).


Juval Portugali

Notes on the spatial archaeology of Israeli-Palestinian relations. Horizons in Geography  23-24, 1988, 55-64 (Hebrew). 


Juval Portugali

Notes on Scio-Spatial Change in the Region of Israel:  Chalcolithic to Iron Age, Orient XXIV, 1988, 55-70.


Juval Portugali

Nomad Labour: Theory and Practice in the Israeli-Palestinian case, Transactions, Institute of British Geographers 14,2, 1989, 207-220.


Juval Portugali

A Field Methodology for Regional Archaeology, Japanese Journal of Near East Studies, 32-1, 1989, 119-139, (In  Japanese - a revised and enlarged version of Portugali 1982)


Juval Portugali

Demographic speculations on evolution, settlement and urbanization. Archaeology 2, 1989, 8-18 (Hebrew).


Juval Portugali

Preliminary notes on social synergetics, cognitive maps and environmental recognition. Synergetics and Cognition, Eds. H. Haken, and M. Stadler. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1990, 379-392.


Juval Portugali

Jewish Settlement in the Occupied Territories, Israel's Settlement Structure and the Palestinians. Political Geography Quarterly 10, 1, 1991, 26-53.


Juval Portugali

An Arab Segregated Neighbourhood in Tel Aviv: The Case of Adjami. Geography Research Forum, 11, 1991, 37-50. 


Juval Portugali and M. Sonis

Palestinian National Identity and the Israeli Labour Market: Q-Analysis. The Professional Geographer, 43, 3, 1991, 265-279.


Juval Portugali and H. Haken

Synergetics and Cognitive Maps, in Geography, Environment and Cognition, J. Portugali (Ed.), special theme issue, Geofurum 23, 2, 1992, 111-130.


Juval Portugali and Ram Gophna

Crisis, Progress and Urbanization: The Transition from Early Bronze I Period to Early Bronze II Period in Palestine (Late 4th millennium B.C.), Tel Aviv 20, 2, 1993, 164-186.


Juval Portugali

Theoretical Speculations on the Transition from Nomadism to Monarchy. In Finkelstein I. and Na'aman N. (eds.), From Nomadism to Monarchy. Jerusalem, Yad Ishak Ben Zvi and the Israeli Exploration Society, 1994, 203-217.


Juval Portugali, Ishak Bennenson and Ishak Omer

Socio-Spatial Residential Dynamics, Stability and Instability in a Self-Organizing City. Geographical Analysis 26, 4, 1994, 321-340.


Juval Portugali

The Taming of the Shrew Environment, Science in Context 7, 2, 1994, 307-326.


Haken H. and Portugali J.

A synergetic approach to the self-organization of cities. Planning and Design: Environment and planning B. 22, 1995, 35-46


Portugali J. and Benenson I.

Artificial planning experience by means of a heuristic cell-space model: Simulating international migration in the urban process. Environment and Planning A, 27, 1995, 1647-1665.


J. Portugali and Z. Safrai

The evolution of settlement in Jezreel Valley in the Second Temple period. Sefer Ha'amakim (The Book of the Valleys), eds. A. Degani and M. Inbar, Eretz Publications, Tel Aviv (Hebrew).


Juval Portugali

Notions concerning the nature of world urbanization, in Perspectives on Urbanization, by J. Amos, L.S. Brune and J. Portugali, Progress in Planning, series, 46,3,1996, 145-162.


Juval Portugali

Inter-representation and cognitive maps, in The Construction of Cognitive Maps, J. Portugali (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, 11-43.


Haken H. and Portugali J.

Synergetics, Inter-representation networks and cognitive maps, in The Construction of Cognitive Maps, J. Portugali (Ed.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1996, 45-67.


Juval Portugali, Ishak Bennenson and Ishak Omer

Spatial cognitive dissonance and socio-spatial emergence in a self-organizing city, Planning and Design: Environment and planning B 24, 1997 263-285. 


Juval Portugali

Self-organizing cities, Futures, 29, 4/5, 1997, 353-380


Juval Portugali

Self-organization, cities, cognitive maps and information systems, in S. Hirtle and A.U. Frank (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory, Springer, 1997, 329-346.


Ben Dor, E., Portugali J., Kochavi M., Shimoni M., Vinitzky L., 

Airborn thermal video radiometry and excavation planning in Tel Leviah, Golan Heights, Israel, Journal of Field Archaeology 26, 2, 117-127, 1999.


Benguigui L., Czemanski D., Marivov M. Portugali J. 

When and where a city is fractal? Planning and Design: Environment and Planning B, 7(4), 2000, 507-519.


Juval Portugali 

1500 words and more about human geography, Theory and Criticism 16, 2000, 213-222, (Hebrew: Teoria Ubikoret).


Daffertshofer A., Haken H., Portugali J., 

Self-Organized settlements, Planning and Design: Environment and Planning B, 28(1): 89-102 Jan 2001. 


Portugali, J. and Casakin, H. 

SIRN (Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks): An Approach to design In: Common Ground Proceedings of The Design Research Society International. Brunel University. David Durling and John Shackleton,Editors. Stoke on Trent,UK: Staffordshire University Press, September, 2001, pp. 884-902 


Portugali, J. 

The Seven Basic Propositions of SIRN (Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks), Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems 5,4, 428-444, 2002 


Portugali, J. 

SIRN (Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks), Artifacts and Snow`s two cultures In: Tschacher, W. and Dauwalder, J-P. Eds., Dynamical System Approaches to Embodied Cognition.  World Scientific, Singapore.  2003, 277-294. 


Portugali, J. and Omer, I. 

Systematic Distortions in Cognitive Maps: The North American West Coast vs. the (West) Coast of Israel, in W. Kuhn, M.F. Worboys, and S. Timpf (Eds.):COSIT 2003, LNCS 2825, pp. 93-100, 2003.


Haken, H. and Portugali, J.

The face of the city is its information, Journal of Environmental Psychology 23, 2003,  385-408.


Alfasi, N. and Portugali, J.

Planning just-in-time versus planning just-in-case, Cities 21, 1, 2004, 29-39.


Portugali, J.

Toward a cognitive approach to urban dynamics, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31, 2004, 589-613.


Haken, H. and Portugali, J.

A synergetic interpretation of cue-dependent prospective memory, Cognitive Processes 6, 2005, 87-97.


Portugali, J.

Cognitive Maps Are over 60. In: A.G. Cohn and D.M. Mark (Eds.): COSIT 2005, LNCS 3693, pp. 251 – 264. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005. 


Portugali, J.

The scope of complex artificial environments. In Juval Portugali (Ed.), Complex Artificial Environments, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2005, 9-29.


Portugali, J.

Complex Artificial Environments – the ESLab experience. In Juval Portugali (Ed.), Complex Artificial Environments, Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2005, 95-115.


Portugali, J

Complexity theory as a link between space and place. Environment and Planning A 2006a, volume 38, 647 - 664


Portugali, J. 

Models and their use in urban planning. In Frieling, D.H. Ed. Research on New Towns, First International Seminar.103-113. INTI, Almere (2006b). 


Feingersh, T. Ben-Dor, E. Portugali, J.

Construction of synthetic spectral reflectance of remotely sensed imagery for planning purposes. Environmental Modelling & Software 22 (2007) 335-348


Alfasi N. and Portugali J.

Planning rules for a self-planned city. Planning theory 6,2, (2007) 164-182


Portugali, J and Alfasi, N. (2008)

An approach to planning discourse analysis. Urban Studies 45(2), 2008, 251-272.


Portugali, J. 

Learning from paradoxes about prediction and planning in self-organizing cities. Planning Theory 7(3) 2008, 248-262.


Portugali, J.

Self-Organization and the City. In Robert A. Meyers (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Print book: Springer; New York, (2009) Pages: 7953-7991. Springer On line reference: DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-30440-3_471


Portugali, J.

Self-organization, new towns, planning and urban simulation models. In New Town Simulation: Second International Seminar. INTI, Almere (2009). 


Osnat Yaski, Juval Portugali and David Eilam

The dynamic process of cognitive mapping in the absence of visual cues: human

data compared with animal studies. The Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 

2619-2626, 2009.


Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal and Juval Portugali 

Network cities: a complexity-network approach to urban dynamics and development. In Jiang B. and Yao X. (Eds.), Geospatial Analysis and Modeling of Urban Structure and Dynamics, Springer: Berlin. 2010.


Juval Portugali

Complexity Theories of Cities: First, Second or Third Culture of Planning? In Roo, G. de, J. Hillier, J. van Wezemael (Eds.) Planning & Complexity: In Depth Analysis, Ashgate, Farham - Surrey (UK). 2011.


Osnat Yaski, Juval Portugali and David Eilam

City rats: Insight from rat spatial behavior into human cognition in urban environments, Animal Cognition (2011), DOI 10.1007/s10071-011-0400-y.


Juval Portugali

The two messages of complexity theories and their implications to the study of society. European Physical Journal Special Topics 195, No. 1, 153–158 (2011).


Osnat Yaski, Juval Portugali and David Eilam 

Arena geometry and path shape: When rats travel in straight or in circuitous paths?

Behavioural Brain Research 225 (2011) 449– 454.


Juval Portugali

Complexity Theories of Cities: Achievements, Criticism and Potentials. In Portugali J. et al (Eds.) Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2012), 47-62.


Juval Portugali

Complexity Theories of Cities: Implications to urban planning. In Portugali J. et al (Eds.) Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2012), 221-244.


Ekim Tan and Juval Portugali

The responsive city design game. In Portugali J. et al (Eds.) Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2012), 369-390.


Egbert Stolk and Juval Portugali

A SIRN view on urban design – the case of Almere Hout. In Portugali J. et al (Eds.) Complexity Theories of Cities Have Come of Age. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2012), 391-412.


Osnat Yaski; Juval Portugali; David Eilam 

Traveling in the dark: the legibility of a regular and predictable structure of the environment extends beyond its borders. Behavioural Brain Research 229 (2012) 74– 81


Weiss S, Yaski O, Eilam D, Portugali J, Blumenfeld-Lieberthal E 

Network Analysis of Rat Spatial Cognition: Behaviorally-Established Symmetry in a Physically Asymmetrical Environment. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40760. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0040760 (2012) 


Dror Y. Kennet and Juval Portugali

Population movement under extreme events. PNAS, July 17, Vol 109, pp.11472–11473, 2012.


Juval Portugali

Complexity Theories of Cities: First, Second or Third Culture of Planning? In Roo, G. de, J. Hillier, J. van Wezemael (Eds.) Planning & Complexity: In Depth Analysis, Ashgate, Farham - Surrey UK. (2012).


Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal and Juval Portugali

MetroNet: A Metropolitan Simulation Model Based on Commuting Processes. In F.A Kuipers and P.E Heegaard (Eds.) Self-Organizing Systems: 6th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop, IWSOS 2012. Pp 96-103 


Juval Portugali

SIRN – Synergetic Inter-Representation Networks: An approach to urban planning and design with implications to visual reasoning and design creativity. In J Gero (Ed.) Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity. Springer 2014, pp 147-173


Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk. A SIRN view on design thinking – An urban design perspective. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design. 2014, Vol. 41, 829-846


Juval Portugali and Hermann Haken. 

Preliminary notes on synergetic inter-representation networks (SIRN), information adaptation (IA) and the city. Journal of Space Syntax (JOSS), 2015, Vol 6, 1, 104-108.


J.A. Scott Kelso, Egbert Stolk, Juval Portugali

Self-organization and design as a complementary pair. In Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2016)


Egbert Stolk and Juval Portugali

A Complexity-Cognitive view on Scale in Urban Design. In Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2016).


Juval Portugali

What makes cities complex? In Juval Portugali and Egbert Stolk Eds. Complexity, Cognition Urban Planning and Design. Springer, Heidelberg, Berlin, (2016)


Yossi Shushan, Juval Portugali and Efrat Blumenfeld-Lieberthal. 

Using Virtual Reality Environments to Unveil the Imageability of the City in Homogenous and Heterogeneous environments. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 58 (2016) 29–38.


Fernando P. Santos, Sara Encarnação, Francisco C. Santos, Juval Portugali and Jorge M. Pacheco. 

An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Approach to Multi-Sector Coordination and Self-Organization. Entropy 2016, 18(4), 152


Encarnação S, Santos FP, Santos FC, Blass V, Pacheco JM, Portugali J. 

Paradigm shifts and the interplay between state, business and civil sectors. Royal Society Open Scence. 3: 160753. (2016).


Haken H., Portugali J. (2016). Information and Selforganization: A Unifying Approach and Applications. Entropy 2016, 18, 197; doi:10.3390/e18060197


Haken H., Portugali J. (2017). Smart cities: distributed intelligence or central planning? In Pardalos P.M and Rassia S. (Eds.) Smart City Networks: Through the Internet of Things, Springer, Heidelberg.


Juval Portugali 

History and theoretical perspectives of behavioral and cognitive geography. In D. Montello (Ed.) Handbook of behavioral and cognitive geography. Elgar Publishing (UK), 16-38. (2018).


Ross Guy and Portugali Juval 

Urban Regulatory Focus: A New Concept Linking City Size to Human Behavior. Royal Society Open Science. 5: 171478. May 25, (2018).


Encarnação S, Santos FP, Santos FC, Blass V, Pacheco JM, Portugali J. 

Paths to the Adoption of Electric Vehicles: An Evolutionary Game Theoretical Approach. Transportation Research Part B 113, 24-33. (2018).


Portugali Juval 

Cognition and the city: An introduction. In Juval Portugali (Ed.). Cognition and the City. A special theme issue of Built Environment Vol. 44, No. 2. 133-135. Alexandrina Press. (2018).


Portugali Juval and Haken Hermann 

Movement, cognition and the city. In Juval Portugali (Ed.). Cognition and the City. A special theme issue of Built Environment Vol. 44, No. 2. 136-161. Alexandrina Press. (2018).


Haken Hermann, Portugali Juval 

A synergetic perspective on urban scaling, urban regulatory focus and their interrelations. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 191087 (2019). .


Portugali J. 

Information adaptation as the link between cognitive planning and professional planning” in de Roo G, Yamu C, Zuidema C (Eds.) Handbook on Planning and Complexity. 203 – 219. Elgar Publishing UK (2020).


Juval Portugali 

Cities, Complexity and Beyond. In Juval Portugali (Ed.). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming. 2021. 


Juval Portugali & Hermann Haken 

Synergetic cities: Complexity, Cognition and Cities. In Juval Portugali (Ed.). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming 2021.


Sara Encarnação, FP. Santos, FC. Santos, M. Pereira, JM. Pacheco, J. Portugali. 

Evolutionary games in cities and urban planning. In Juval Portugali (Ed.). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming 2021.


Juval Portugali 

Homo Faber, Homo Ludens and the City: A SIRNIA view on urban planning and design. In J Portugali (Ed.). Handbook on Cities and Complexity. Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming 2021.


Haken, Hermann, Portugali, Juval. Information and Self-Organization II: Steady State and Phase Transition. Entropy 2021,23,707


Portugali, Juval

Schrödinger’s What is Life?—Complexity, Cognition and the City. Entropy 2023, 25, 872.


Portugali Juval

The crisis of democracy in the age of cities and complexity. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing. UK. 2023, 2-23


Portugali Juval and Haken Hermann

A synergetic cities view on the crisis of democracy in the age of cities. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 108-135


Catlett Charlie, Portugali Juval and Venkatakrishnan Venkat

Privacy and trust in artificially intelligent cities. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 167-184


Mahalingam Ashwin and Portugali Juval

Governing cities democratically through partnerships. In Juval Portugali Ed. The Crisis of Democracy in the Age of Cities. Edward Elgar Publishing UK. 2023, 204-219


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